Laurie grew up in Perth and graduated from Hollywood Senior High School before attending Medical School at The University of Western Australia, graduating with Honours in 2006.
“I regularly volunteer at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva, Fiji, training junior surgeons. I’m also an examiner for the Masters of Surgery program at the Fiji National University.”
— Dr Laurence Webber
Laurie worked locally and internationally as a Junior Doctor before entering Surgical Training in WA. He worked in Perth, Albany, Broome and Darwin and was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in General Surgery in 2013. He then completed a further two years training in Emergency and General Surgery, then three years in Hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) Surgery and is a Graduate Member of the ANZHPBA.
Learn more about the different types of surgery.
His HPB fellowship training was undertaken at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. His focus was on ERCP, management of advanced pancreatic malignancy, laparoscopic (keyhole) liver surgery and robotic pancreatic surgery. Post Fellowship Dr Webber completed a visiting observership at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York.
Dr Webber now works as part of a multidisciplinary cancer care team involving surgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists, gastroenterologist, pathologists, dieticians and specialist cancer nurses. He has a public appointment as a Consultant Upper GI Surgeon at Fiona Stanley Hospital.
Laurie has consulting rooms in Rokeby Rd, Subiaco and at New Me clinic in Booragoon.
Dr Webber was appointed to the Court of Examiners for General Surgery for the College of Surgeons in 2023.
Dr Webber’s Background, Training & Experience
MBBS - UWA 2005 , Fellowship of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2014 - Fully trained General Surgeon
Further 5 years post Fellowship training in Acute General Surgery, Gallbladder, Liver and Pancreas Surgery and Complex Endoscopy + ERCP at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Royal North Shore (Sydney), Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Fellow of the ANZ HPB Association
GESA Accreditation for gastroscopy, colonoscopy and ERCP
Consultant appointment @ Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospital in Upper GI Department
Extensive training in complex gallbladder surgery, radical and minimally invasive liver and pancreas surgery and complex hernia surgery
Fellowship trained in laparoscopic and robotic liver and pancreas surgery